our pricing

No Packages around here!

We’ll create a custom event quote estimate just for you, based on your needs, flower preferences, and desired investment. Please keep in mind that the following amounts are an estimate based on our pricing averages, and are customizable to your event! For example, the size and style of your ceremony arch, the kinds of flowers used, and the desired fullness of an installation will all factor into your custom quote.

Need us to plan your rehearsal dinner floral, assist your shower host in decorating, source the perfect linens, or design and build your dream ceremony backdrop? We do that too! Schedule a call with our wedding experts to learn more about what’s possible with a dream team like ours.

Price Sheet

Price Sheet


Our minimum investment for full service weddings is currently $7,500 which includes delivery, setup and teardown costs. Micro weddings (fewer than 50 guests) and stylized elopements begin at $5,500. Quinceañeras, conferences, runways, festivals, and other large events are quoted according to production budget, materials, and theme. Find us on our Activation Angels site to learn more about our non-wedding work!

Want to work with us, but don’t need us to install? We offer fully customizable al la carte floral services for events such as baby showers, birthday dinners, and parties starting at $3,500.

(The pricing below does not include delivery and installation costs, scissor lift rentals, or other production expenses)

bridal bouquet

bridesmaid bouquet


floral wrist corsage (brass cuff)

flower crown for adult

small bar arrangement

medium vessel centerpiece

large vessel centerpiece

elevated centerpiece on stand

12” floral runner for long table

6’ suspended floral installation

full floral ceremony arch

asymmetric ceremony arch

grounded semicircle ceremony installation

grounded aisle marker

floral cascade cake decorating  















